Thursday 30 April 2009

Pig Farm Design

"Canadian pig farmer Mary Haugh had a problem; multiple heart attacks put her husband out of commission, and she alone had to somehow control and herd their 3,000 hogs through the barn. Traditional methods of getting pigs to move are to use a stick, an electric prod or a "chase board," a length of wood the farmer wields horizontally to angle the pigs in a particular direction. The stick and the prod, in addition to being inhumane, are simply not practical solutions for a single man/woman vs. 3,000 pigs, and for that many animals Haugh would need an impossibly long board that no human could reasonably lift and wield."

Shit Box

"It ships flat for easy portability, maintains enough structural integrity for repeat uses, and recycles at the end of its useful life, making it simpler, cheaper and less icky-seeming than existing semi-permanent options on the market. Built by the similarly cheeky-sounding Brown Corporation, ships with ten "poo bags," and "doubles as a handy stool."

This is a great idea when camping in a remote place as you could just leave it there to decompose or bury it and it wouldn't harm the environment.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Verner Panton

Verner Panton is one of my favourite 20th century designers, his designs were so bold and interesting. He uses colour in everything!

Rolling Bridge

Designed by Thomas Heatherwick, twelve metres long, the bridge is made in eight steel and timber sections, and is made to curl by hydraulic rams set into the handrail between each section. This is a remarkable piece of engineering and an amazing idea. It won the 2005 British Structural Steel Award.

Video of it in action:

Thomas Heatherwick Longchamp Store

Truly awe inspiring, this staircase is made out of long strips of steel arranged in sort of 'waves' to create a staircase! This is a cross between design and architecture.


This is an outdoor rattan chair designed by Enzo Berti 2004, I really like this chair It looks modern but also a little organic at the same time. It reminds me a lot of Marc Newsons Fibreglass Felt Chair(below) from 1989.

Chop 2 Pot

This is a good idea, whenever I try to scrape veg off a chopping board and into a pan some bits always fall off the side. With this when the handle is squeezed the board folds up and helps guide the veg into the pan as they slide down! Designed by Joseph Joseph.


These stools are great! Two steel plates are welded together around the edges then inflated with very high pressure air to form the stool shape and powder coated with paint, every single one is unique. Designed by Oskar Zieta, 2007, Awards= Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany 2009, Forum AID Award 2009, Red Dot Award 2008.


With this nifty device you don't need to use detergents to wash your clothes, you can also wash them at a lower temperature. The green ball is composed of non-toxic plastic with only natural pigments there are little balls inside it made from natural ceramics, which make it 100 percent possible for recycling after the three year period.

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Washing Machine

When I saw this new washing machine I realised just how awkward the classic design is to use, bending over and trying to shove big towels and large bundles of clothes into a hole. This Is so much simpler and i wish I had thought of it! Here is a link to show how it is used.

Bendy Concrete

What?!?!?! I saw this picture and I thought to myself that cant be concrete! It looks like a crappy piece of aluminum. Concrete is amazingly strong in compression but in tension it is pretty crap as it can be brittle like most other ceramics, and it heals itself!

"Its amazing properties rely on a chemical and structural mix: In the resulting solid, tiny cracks do still form when the material is bent, but they remain tiny and don't connect up to each other. The cracks stay around 60 microns in size, allowing the solid to bend, and their propagation is halted by microscopic reinforcing fibers. Furthermore, the cracks are exactly the right size to allow moisture and air in when they form. After a short while to react, "spare" dry cement in the mix reacts with the available carbon dioxide and water to form calcium carbonate--a naturally strong material that then seals up the cracks. "

Table Football

This is a beautiful looking football table, I want one! The bars with men incorporated were machined from solid brass, the weight of each rod required the right bearing mechanism to allow the rods to rotate smoothly. Finished in bright-silver chrome finally ink filling the graphic details.

Boeing 747 Intercontinental

The interior pictures are of the Dreamliner its interior is designed to reduce jetlag in long range flights. It will be a lot quieter than the current 747, and it will have the same "new curved, upswept architecture" to make it airier and give passengers more room for luggage. Also like the 787, the Intercontinental will use special lighting to provide "smooth transitions for a more restful flight."

I really like the interior of this plane, it looks like a nice environment to spend an extended period of time in.


So far apple have sold millions of iPhones, they are the current 'must have' mobile phone. They have loads of apps available for them, over 1billion apps have been sold to date! Bearing in mind the worlds population is around 6billion!
Yes they look nice but I personally hate touch phones or touch screens of any kind, i'll stick with my Nokia 6300 for the moment.

BMW Gina Concept

Hers a link to a good video on it here

This car uses a material as a shell instead of the traditional metal skin, they have achieved this by using space frame construction methods to get the same structural properties of a metal skinned car.

Lots of the parts on the car can move to reveal the front lights or the engine.

This is a completely new idea that BMW have been working on since 2001.

Monday 27 April 2009

Lego Phone?

Partners Digital Blue, Alcatel and Lego leaked out a picture of their Lego phone, coming this summer. There are no words on price as yet, but it has snap-on pieces that lets you change the color of its various parts as easily as mixing together a couple of Lego bricks. And off course, the LEGO legacy is quite tempting in itself! There will be Lego everything soon!

Touch Sensitive Glass

Taking interior designing to a new level, a new technology called ‘Moving Colors’ creating these textured glass tiles that change color with a change in temperature. These temperature sensitive glass tiles cost approximately £10 per standard size 4″ x 4″ x 3/8″ tile, though on the higher side, but looks cool enough when ‘hot’.

Cigarette Socks!

Haha these socks are awesome! Made by ashidashi. They do a load of other comical socks

Pencil Sharpener Ring

Saw this idea and thought that it was pretty novel, basically a jokey ring designed for artists, designers, architects and basically anyone who uses pencils a lot. Cool!

Marc Jacobs Daisy

I recently bought this as a present for my girlfriend, what first drew me to it was the design of the bottle especially the lid which is made up of 3 different sized daisy type flowers. The flowers are made out of some kind of flexible plastic. Thankfully it smelt very nice too, therefore I may be able to keep the bottle when she has finished with it..

Sunday 26 April 2009

Muji CD Player

A very cool and unique CD player, you just pull the cord and it starts playing the CD through its internal speakers. Sold by Muji and designed by Naoto Fukasawa, the volume and next track controls are on the top of the player. This is around £79 pounds in the UK which I think is very reasonable for such a stylish product.

Icon Watch

Yes, another watch...

I really like this in kind of a geeky way, I may even look into buying one, I think they are around £40 so a very reasonable price for a cool watch.


Designed by Belgian designer Marina Bautier, It incorporates a pull out extra stool which you would't know was there until someone told you. I really like this idea but the chair isn't the most aesthetically pleasing thing I have seen.


This is the DNA light from Büro für Form I love this design, take a look at their website they have some amazing products on there!


I love these coffee cups, such a fun idea! Basically a normal saucer but with a half sized cup so there is space left on the saucer for a decent sized biscuit!


Very fun and a great idea! Surely a hit with young people, from The Play Coalition.

Samsung N310

Samsung have just released their new netbook the N310, it's only available in Korea at the moment. It won a international design award and im not surprised, I think it is a very unique design, apart from macs all other netbooks and laptops are pretty boring and predictable.

Lego Flash Drive

I saw this and I instantly wanted one, they havent been released yet so I'm not sure how much it will cost or what memory size they will have. I have previously seen portable speakers for iPods that look like lego blocks but not flash drives, what next?

Toilet Concept

To me this toilet doesn't make sense, designed by Nelson Ayala "Although the toilet is intended for all users, it may be particularly beneficial for physically challenged users, as they are able to easily glide into the toilet for use." Surely you have to support your own bodyweight on your arms and knees to use this toilet, how many physically challenged people could do that? Also surely to be able to get onto the toilet you would have to take your trousers off? Therefore also taking your shoes off in the process?

Thursday 23 April 2009


"Objectified is a feature-length documentary about our complex relationship with manufactured objects and, by extension, the people who design them. It’s a look at the creativity at work behind everything from toothbrushes to tech gadgets. It’s about the designers who re-examine, re-evaluate and re-invent our manufactured environment on a daily basis. It’s about personal expression, identity, consumerism, and sustainability."

This looks like quite a good film on design that I will most definitely watch when it comes out in about July.

Google Pirate Bay

Showing that you can never get rid of the pirate bay, someone has made it so that you can search exclusively for torrents using Google, the biggest search engine in the world.

Ronald Jenkees!

Just found this guy on the net somehow, all I can say is... he's amazing! Keyboard God! Here's a video of one of my favourite songs of his. Plus he likes hats!

Here's his web address LINK

Zipper Earphones

Hate tangled earphones in your pocket? Then these are for you, designed by Ji Woong they are called "YI Sound" they also feature a volume control on the zipper, very cool!

Shelving Unit

This shelving/seating unit designed by Stephanie Choplin comprises of six separate blocks that can be arranged however you want or need them to be. As space is getting less and less in big cities more people are designing multifunctional furniture. It looks like it is made out of laminated wood.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Grass Armchair

The grass arm chair comes as a DIY project consisting of the frame and 100g pack of grass seeds. You just need to fill it with about 240 litres of soil and be patient. When complete, all you have to do is relax in your own home grown armchair. A small trim every now and then will keep it nice! This is a real nifty idea and requires basically no raw materials to construct.

Lip Dark Master Chronograph

As you know I like bank account was looking healthy for a change so I bought this, oops! Who needs food anyway?
It is a Lip Dark Master Chronograph wristwatch, how cool is it??? It was orgiinally designed in the 1973 by Roger Tallon a prolific designer who did the high-speed French TGV trains. With a price tag of $600 dollars it wasn't cheap, I didn't actually pay that much but still I think it was worth it, I know not many would agree with me there.